Wednesday, April 13, 2011

I've done a few things recently

It's true that my demo reel animation (Ninja Summer Camp) isn't rendered yet, nor is all the textures complete, nor is the animation itself quite finished (I want to fix scene 2 for sure), but I've done a few other things on the side. I believe my time was well spent too.

For one, I've made a simple character rig for Game Production Workshop. No textures on it yet, but it'll have cel shading. I don't normally do modeling, but eh, I'd say this was a good attempt. The rig works exactly how I wanted it to as well. I didn't add any stretch though. The model is actually done in pieces, rather than enveloped. This wasn't too difficult, but I had a hard time remembering how to rig.

Another thing that I've been doing is working on 2D sprites. I used to make sprites a long time ago, and they weren't all that great. However, ever since I've been to CATO, I've learned more things about animation, character design, and all that stuff. So, I decided that I'd take my skills back into sprite making, and see how far I've gone. Even though these are just idle animations, they're looking pretty good from my perception.

I'm making these sprites for an action game that a friend of mine is making. These idle sprites are still beta. I've also got a rough run cycle going with one of the characters. It's pretty fluid, but it's still rough. One of my goals are to make idle animations for each character with each weapon they use. The main goal is to make sprites for every action each character does with each weapon, such as movements, attacks, etc.. This is a fairly large project, and I rarely have the time at the moment to work on sprites.

However, there's another project that we're working on that uses smaller sprites, and it's for a different type of game; an SRPG.

This is only a concept sprite, not a final version. I should make a side sprite as well. Weapons will be handled on a separate layer from the character sprite. The game will have 32x32 tiles, so having 32x32 sprites is ideal. We plan on having this game for a portable device. Not quite sure about iPhone yet.

For all I know, Aftermath Saga will take several years to make (game using the larger sprites). We're pretty much a two man army, and we're limited in our skills. Mercenary Saga is ideal to release first since the sprites are simpler to make, and overall, it's just easier to create an SRPG. I don't know what I'm going to do for when a character goes into battle. He mentioned that it should be Fire Emblem style, or Disgaea style... I'm not sure how everything will work out yet. We plan to keep things 16-bit for Mercenary Saga. There are several other game ideas for the same series (Essell Series), but we're keeping to these two for now. Until we can get a bigger team, we'll be pretty slow moving, and we'll be working on these games on our spare time.