Sunday, October 23, 2011

Idea Dump (Something Broke)

This will constantly be updated as I keep coming up with ideas. I'm open to suggestions, and critique before I end up storyboarding everything. I may end up posting a bit of the storyboard here too. Only reason I don't have the first act in here is because I pretty much have that section done. I made it kinda like an animated credits section.

Update Nov. 12, 2011: I'm finished with writing all the scenes out, but I can't do the storyboard without some kind of feedback. THIS MEANS I NEED YOUR INPUT. Is this good? What throws you off on this, if anything? I'd like to know anything or everything before I start drawing out the storyboard. If anyone reading this has any suggestions, fire them away. Or rather, shoot an email to Here's some of my recent drawings of ponies just for practice: 1, 2, 3, 4.

RECOMMENDATION: If you want to help, you should have at least watched a few episodes of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, including Sonic Rainboom, Party of One, and Cutie Mark Chronicles. Also, read the fanfic "Cupcakes." (It's basically MLP meets Sweeney Todd...). I'll also state the obvious too: listen to Something Broke. So if you want to help, you should have at least done all of this.

If ANYONE would want to help with backgrounds, that would be great. Show me your works, and if you're willing to help, that's great! (I'm not offering any payment though... it's kinda volunteer work). I'm getting a friend of mine (Hax Mega) to try writing out some newspaper articles that will appear in "Practice Makes Perfect (Crime)." I'm likely going to call them the "Equestria Daily Newspaper."

Animated Comic Book style

Rainbow Dash flying through the sky & clouds doing tricks and stunts.

Rainbow Dash attempting sonic rainboom, and fail

Pinkie Pie chasing down Rainbow Dash

Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash pulling some pranks on some ponies

"Welcome to our little town" - "street view shots," with several ponies hanging around being happy and such. Show a pony entering "Sugarcube Corner." Show same pony getting some cupcakes "inside Sugarcube Corner", buying from pinkamina.
"...About one which we call "Pinkie"" - This should be the part where it shows inside of Sugarcube Corner, and showing the pony buying cupcakes from pinkamina.

"Everypony, come look here!" - Show Rainbow Dash stressing out due to the competition.
"For the upcoming event" - Show a newpaper clipping that has its top story on the young fliers competition in Cloudsdale.
"Talented young pegasi..." - Rainbow Dash flying with Fluttershy to Cloudsdale.
"So her friends devised a plan..." - Twilight, and the remaining mane cast looking for a way to get into cloudsdale from the "LIBRARY."
"Fluttershy just wasn't loud" - Fluttershy saying "YAY" in a thought bubble or something.
"Help me chase away my fears" - Show RD getting called "rainbow crash!" by those other ponies, and show her getting a bit more stressed.

Animated Graphic Novel Style (Grey(or something)/black)

Show the rest of the mane cast rise above the clouds in their balloon, and have rarity flying.

"She signed up, then we hit the town..." - Mane cast walking through Cloudsdale a bit
"Visited the school, we saw the sights" - show young pegasi flying around in the sky.
"So we made our way through the city..." - Mane cast walking through cloudsdale more, but also have a cut shot of Rainbow Dash feeling like shit.
"Ended up in a Rainbow Factory" - Pinkie Pie tasting the rainbow.
"Where Rarity, that pompous bitch," - Show some Rarity showing off to the pegasi.
"That she would join the comp that night" - One of the pegasis says she should join the competition in a speach bubble... There'd also be a cut to Rarity, and I think she makes a comment to that.
"Short time later, we all sat" Showing the 4 mane cast characters -that aren't in the competition- sitting on the side watching.
"Waiting for our favorite cat" - Showing Rainbow in the fetal pose.
"If only we knew what we'd do" - Show Rainbow and Rarity coming out into the stadium.

4. The Rainboom - Awakening
Old Movie Style (grainy, black lines and stuff)

Before the lyrics come up, show Rarity flying up to the sky, and beaming down a rainbow light upon the stadium. Show Rainbow Dash speeding up into the sky. Then back to Rarity, and her wings burn out, and she reacts, and falls.

"Rarity fell, and Rainbow went after..." - Self explanitory? Rainbow speeding off to save Rarity.
"...the audience silent." - Show the mane group in the crowd.
"Rainbow Dash sped till she..." - Show Rainbow Dash speeding, showing the cone around Rainbow Dash.
"Out came a ring..." - Sonic Rainboom. SHOW COLOURS.
"They always said that a rainboom..." - Rainbow Dash saves Rarity. Rainbow trailing behind Dash.
"Pinkie, however, had seen it before" - Show Pinkie's eyes showing the rainbow reflection in them.
"Back at her home, when she was a filly" - Zoom out from Pinkie's eyes to reveal she is on the rock farm as a filly.
"Memories came back and horrors galore!" - Show the shockwave of the rainboom in Pinkie's past.

This section will feature some odd imagery of Pinkie's past, and her dad abusing her. Just stills though. Pinkie also throws her party (in the past), and then show her dad beating her. Then show young filly Pinkie running away from home.

"What to do, I'm feeling kinda woozy!" - Now show present Pinkie, baking some cupcakes.
"I haven't felt this since I was a filly." - Putting cupcakes into the oven. Oven door shutting on camera.
"Oh god, why did you ever do that, daddy..." - Show a few quick cuts of Pinkie's Dad punching, abusing Pinkie, try with a belt in his mouth too.
"I'm paranoid about the ones around me!" - Show Pinkie with Mr/Mrs Cake; selling cupcakes to customers (Bon Bon and Lyra).
"Who's gonna be the next to try and hurt me?" - Pinkie glares at Bon Bon, and Bon Bon turns around, and walks out the door with her cupcakes. Lyra follows. Bon Bon takes a bit of a look back, and continues out.
"So much for happy, yeah, so much for Pinkie!" - Show Pinkie again with a glare.
"I feel something in my trying to break free." - Colour starts to return into the scene, and the camera zooms out into her party, but only shows Pinkie there so far, and Gummy.

5. Party of One
Normalish Style, with subtle darkness
Most scenes in this scene will be taken directly from Party of One, but I also plan to reanimate the lipsync.

"About a week later..." - Show mane ponies walking into the room.
"in this instance..." - Closer up on Gummy with a party hat. He blows one of those noise maker things while giving the same blank expression.
"The party went swell..." - Show some scenes of the ponies dancing... basically scenes taken from Party of One. Show ponies leaving the party (much like in Party of One).
"This cause Pinkie to become even more paranoid..." - More scenes from Party of One. Show Pinkie going to see each of her friends, as they all reject her.
"It was at this that Pinkie finally snapped." - Close up on Pinkie looking confused.

"Secrets and Lies..." - Pinkie pacing infront of Gummy.
"I'm getting frantic, growing louder are my cries." - Pinkie yelling at Gummy. (part of the party of one scene)
"I'm getting tired of excuses and evasions" - Flashback to Rarity putting her hair in garbage, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy making excuses... Fit whatever I can in.
"Why don't the face me..." - Pinkie infront of the spotlight shining on camera.
"What have I done, are they afraid my celebration" - Somewhat close up on Pinkie's face, same scene as the one with a spotlight.
"Make them dull" - Rainbow Dash from Ep 5 giving up from running away from Pinkie.
"Or make them sick" - Episode 4 scene where it shows everyone sick and Pinkie Pie sick.
"or make them mad" - Rainbow Dash yelling (from ep 5)
"or make them sad" - Fluttercry (bird in the hoof)
"or make them angry" - Twilight rage (Feeling Pinkie Keen)
"make them frantic" - Rainbow Dash running from Pinkie (Ep 5)
"make them crazy" - Fluttershy (at the gala)
"make them loopy" - Applejack (ep 4)
"make it painful" - Anvil dropping on Twilight's head (ep 15)
"make it sickly" - show the muffin mixture (ep 4)
"make it random" - Pinkie exploding (ep 15)
"make it icky" - Parasprites on Rainbow Dash.
"break my mind and leave me twitchy" - Show table of her new friends (party of one)
"nothing left of poor old Pinkie!..." - Pinkamina showing her creepy face from party of one.
"tell me, daddy why'd you do that to me!" - in the background of this scene, behind crazy Pinkamina, show basically what happened in her past from the previous scene with her dad beating her.
"NO!" - Pinkie snaps out of it a bit.

"What have I done? What have I done?" - Pinkie talking with Madamm Ma Flour
"I'm left alone here just a party of one" - Pinkie talking, followed by Rocky saying "Just a party of one bitch!"
"What have they done? This isn't fun!..." - Show scenes of Pinkie's friends shunning her.
"It’s all a matter of when they will come to tell me" - Show Pinkie's whole table of her inanimate object friends.
"That they despise me, that they never want to see me" - Close up on Pinkie a bit more angry.
"Well they can screw, it's time for Pinkie Pie to be free" - Show an even darker side of Pinkie for a split moment.
"Pinkamina show your scars" - Show Pinkie getting cut from a knife from her father.
"Broken bones and broken heart" - Split moment, show a blunt strike from pinkie's father on Pinkie, and pinkie collapsing.
"Give me tell me one good reason..." - At this point, Pinkie is doing the crazy Pinkie face, while in the background, there are scenes of Pinkie abuse (Gilda popping all her balloons, and driving Pinkie into the ground while she's on her crazy contraption)
"let alone an hour, minute..." - continuation of above.
"let me cling to reality one last second" - Show Pinkie struggling a bit.
"savored for me, looking for the one blue pony" - Siloette of Rainbow Dash
"RAINBOW DASH, WAIT!" - Rainbow dash comes into full view, and dashes off.

6. The Final Straw (Instrumental)
Funky style. Kinda like Venture Ponies.

Shows Pinkie chasing Rainbow
Basically the entire thing is Pinkie chasing Rainbow Dash to the Barn. However, Pinkie's hair WILL be deflated, even though it'll show only a pink and blue siloettes for the ponies.
Pinkie stops at the shut barn door, head-butt's the door, gives up, and goes home (quick transition from barn to home).
Show Rainbow Dash coming in through the heart door, Pinkie has a bit of a fight with Rainbow Dash, then Dash drags Pinkie over to the Barn (quick transition)
Needs to show other ponys explaning what the big secret was. (Her hair needs to stay deflated from this point on)
Then a day to night transition is nessisary.

7. Late Night Accident
Normalish Style, but the video goes glitchy slightly to show evil pinkamina version of pinkie pie on a few frames, and back to pinkie pie.

"Later on, despite learning..." - show empty streets of ponyville, and Pinkie walking down them.
"The moon was high in the sky..." - Pan up from behind Pinkie to show the moon shining down on Pinkie.
"Pinkie was confused..." - Pinkie walks into an alley, and stops there.

"What am I to do?" - Pinkie singing to herself
"Is it safe to say I'm through?..." - Background fades to black
"No escape, I can't pretend..." - Close up on Pinkie singing.
"So once again I ask, what can I do?" - Pinkie lays down.
"(Hey Hey Pinkie...)" - her party of one friends talk to her in her mind (in the background behind Pinkie), and Pinkie's eyes open, and her pupils suddenly get smaller. Pinkie shakes it off, and they're normal again.
"What am I to say?" - Pinkie singing again.
"(Hey...)" - Her other party of one friends will fade in and out whenever there's background voices.
"Who would listen anyway?..." - Pinkie's pupils get smaller again.
"No one takes me seriously!" - Pinkie closes eyes and shakes her head.
"I give and give" - flashback of Pinkie's parties with her friends.
"just like daddy did abuse me" - Again, flashback of Pinkie's dad abusing Pinkie.
"13 days it took to find me" - Pinkie crying all alone
"Left my home and life behind me" - Siloette of Bon Bon walking up behind Pinkie
"Someone's sneaking up behind me!" - Pinkie Pie turns and jumps Bon Bon; pinning her down.
Pinkie Pie kills Bon Bon by strangling her to death.

Following that scene, show Bon Bon's dead corpse, and Pinkie Pie's heart beating. Pinkie shows tears, and show pinkie breaking apart inside, then finally giving up her sanity.

8. Hide the Body: Art of Distress
Normal style, but very dark to the point that it's gruesome

Show a spotlight over Pinkie Pie and the dead pony. Pinkie Pie singing to the lyrics when they come up. Dunno if I'll have any change of scenery... probably constantly zooming in on pinkie pie or something. I dunno.

"I need to get rid of the evidence... somehow..." - Show a darker side of Pinkamina for a few frames...

(Small instrumental going into the art of the dress) - Fade to black. Show scenes of Pinkie Pie dragging the dead pony with her mouth.

"Step by step, checking every detail..." - Pinkie drags Bon Bon downstairs.
"Struggle as I place her on the table..." - Pinkie lifts Bon Bon on a table
"I'm under so much stress" - Pinkie sweats a bit, holding a knife over the corpse.

"Bare the neck..." - Pinkie cuts into Bon Bon's neck with the knife. Blood splatters onto camera for a sec.
"Smell the blood..." - show blood pour out of the neck, and Pinkie almost gagging.
"Trying not to care for consequences" - Pinkie walks away from the corpse
"Knowing that I have no good defences" - Pinkie grabs a recipe book
"Thinking hard of what I'm gonna make her" - she look through different recipes
"Though I know I'll have to clean up later" - Pinkie's facial expression shows that she found the recipe she was looking for, and drops the book.
"Silly little Pinkie..." - Pinkie grabs the knife again
"Time for Pinkamina to take over" - She walks back over to the corpse
"Finish up the job that we have started..." - Pinkie holds knife over corpse again. This time with a more insane face expression.
"Feed her to the vein and the coldhearted" - Pinkie starts cutting the body more fiercely. Blood splashes everywhere, including the camera again. Fades to black.
"Don't expect to hear that much rejection" - Pinkie throws some pieces onto a cupcake tray.
"Everypony loves our main confection" - Pinkie places cupcake rack into an oven. Oven door shuts, and screen goes black.

"(Cupcakes)" - Show the cupcakes already baked.
"So sweet and tasty" - Pinkie grabs a cupcake.
"Don't be to hasty" - Pinkie takes a bite of the cupcake.
"And if they like them" - Pinkie chews the cupcake some, and swallows.
"Then I'll still make them" - Pinkie tosses rest of cupcake in her mouth.
"I trust nopony" - Pinkie looks outside
"They all are phony" - Camera zooms outside the shop to see ponies walking the street.
"I know my target" - Show the ponies Twist, Holli Dash, Cloud Kicker, Lyra (looking worried/sad).
"I'll never forget..." - Pinkie looks up into the sky from the window.
"This is all her fault!" - Camera quickly pans up to see Rainbow Dash sleeping on a cloud in the sky.
"When I'm through with you..." - Pinkie looks back to the cupcakes she made. Camera inside shop again. Cupcakes in foreground.
"Rainbow Dash is gonna pay!" - Pinkie upclose shot lipsyncing the dialogue. reflection of rainbow cupcakes in her eyes.

9. Practice Makes Perfect (Crime)
Animated Newspaper Style

"The following morning..." - Article promoting Pinkie's cupcakes.
"They went over extremely well..." - Article review of Pinkie's delicious cupcakes.
"The normally sickening thought..." - Article showing Bonbon is missing. Written by Lyra.
"She felt great..." - Article by Pinkie Pie promoting her cupcakes, saying there will be more cupcakes next week with all new tasty flavours!"
"...take on the one who..." - show a silloette of Rainbow Dash faded over the newspaper. the silloette slowly zooms in and gets darker until the screen is black.

"The first pony..." - Article from the school saying Twist hasn't been seen at school recently, and the students, Cheerilee, and the parents are getting worried. Search parties have been sent out to check the Everfree Forest, and surrounding areas.
"The second, about a week later" - Article about another couple ponies (Holli Dash, and Cloud Kicker).
"Several other ponies disappeared..." - At least show Lyra is missing in one of the articles.
"Pinkie felt that she was ready..." - Article showing the outside to Sugarcube Corner. 'Pinkie Pie's cupcakes are best cupcakes!'

Zoom in on the image in the article, and show Rainbow dash flying down and going into the building.

10. And Now You Nap
Normalish, with some grain

"So you ready to get started..." - Pinkie happily welcoming Dash into her shop... umm... yeah.
"You betcha, Pinkie!" - Camera on Dash. She does poses to each thing she mentions. 'pranks' and 'stunts.'
"Or maybe..." - Show Dash kinda thinking.
"Making cupcakes!" - Pinkie looking all excited and happy.
"Baking?" - Dash looks confused.
"Oh, that's not a problem at all..." - Pinkie talking.
"Oh alright, I guess that's okay..." - Dash looks more interested.
"That's the spirit! Here you go." - Pinkie looks happy, and gives Dash a cupcake.
"I thought I was helping you bake?" - Dash looks puzzled again, and takes the cupcake.
"You will be, I made this one just for you..." - Pinkie gives a bit of a evil smile.
"So is this like taste testing or something?" - Dash looks at the cupcake, and takes a bite out of it.
"Okay, now what?" - Dash talks...
"Now. You take a nap" - Pinkie gives a more evil smile. (taken from Dash's point of view) The screen will start to fade out, and almost kinda move off (following the movements of Dash).

11. Cupcakes
Animated Ask Pinkamina Blog Style

At the start of Cupcakes, it will remain the same style as "and now you nap," and it'll show Rainbow Dash getting tired, and passing out... Then show Pinkamina dragging Dash into the celler.
During the break where there is no sound for about a second, the screen will be black, and it'll open up to Rainbow Dash's point of view. The stypie HERE will be the ask pinkamina style, and you watch Pinkamina talk/sing to you until the line "You're gonna die."

Dash awakens in the celler.
"Oh Dash, I'm glad you're here" - Show Pinkie happilly talking to you.
"This job of mine is oh so dreary." - Pinkie brings in a tray with a cloth atop it.
"Don't scream, not much to fear..." Pinkie still smiling while talking to Dash.

"I'm sure you'll BRIGHTEN up my day..." - Pinkie really gets into Dash's face.
"Oh, just one more thing..." - Pinkie walks to the light switch.
"You're gonna die..." - Pinkamina turns and gives a creepy evil smile.

During the break after that line eyes shut, and screen goes black. Then the lights turn on.

"Let me rip your deamons" - reveal the tools that pinkamina will use. Pinkamina strapping a knife onto her hoof.
"Tear them out your throat" - Pinkamina holding knife up to Rainbow Dash throat, and makes a small cut near her throat.
"Cut your flesh and body..." - Pinkie makes a cut on Dash's flank.
"Till you're dead and bloat" - Pinkie stares deep in Dash's eyes as she says that.

"You see, I'm really sorry, Dashie..." - Pinkie monologing again.
"I drew your number, that's the rules here" - Pinkie shoves her hoof at Dash, and holds a knife at Dash again.
"Now your time with us is through." - Pinkie cuts Dash again. Blood squirts out.
"Still we have a little while..." - Dashie looking more faint.
"We can chat about our past" - Pinkie looking off somewhere with Dash on the screen.
"My god, my dear" - Pinkie having a bit of a worried look while looking at Dash.

"What, is this fear I'm seeing?" - Look at Rainbow Dash from Pinkie's perspective; seeing the fear in Rainbow Dash's eyes.
"What happened to the Dash I knew?" - Short flashback of Dash flying around doing tricks, and pulling a prank.
"As soon as your life is threatened" - flashback to the young fliers competition.
"You will cower, it's nothing new" - Flashback ends off when Dash is in fetal position.
"So let's get down to business..." - Pinkie approaches Dash again with a cleaver.
"Oh Dashie, do you have any sickness?" - Pinkie putting a hoof on the wall beside Dash, and the other hoof holding the cleaver.
"Wait...once your cooked, it won't matter anyway!" - Pinkie showing an eviller smile, and then chops off Dash's left wing with the cleaver. blood spills out. Dash showing more pain in her face.

"Oh, did that hurt?..." - Pinkie looks like she's showing some concern for Dash.
"And for that matter..." - Pinkie grabs a hacksaw.
"Why do they call it a hacksaw?..." - Pinkie approaches Dash with the hacksaw.
"...That's what I was doing with the knife!" - After saying this, Pinkie starts sawing Dash's right wing.

"Can you scream just a little bit louder?" - Animation goes into slow-mo, showing Pinkie sawing Dash's wing. After saying this line, Pinkie stops sawing.
"It chills my blood" - Pinkie grabs the right wing, and rips it off.
"In the most satisfying of ways" - Show Dash crying and screaming.
"Let me look into your eyes" - Pinkie staring deeply at Dash's eyes.
"Let me see your soul" - Pinkie giving the ask pinkamina stare (oh fluttershy, you're such a LOUD MOUTH!). She also shoots Dash with a needle in her lower back. (Note: Might be hard to show, so if showing it, show for a half second, and then show dash's expression after)
"Show what it's like when a pony betrays" - Pinkie lowers the table to make it so Dash is on her back.
"Rip the flank, and leave it to whither" - Pinkie cuts Dash across her body
"Oh dearie me..." - Show Dashie looking faint, and at the same time, Pinkie is above her holding a knife; preparing to gut Dash.
"Let's go, it's time..." - Show an evil smile on Pinkie's face, and Dash closes her teary eyes.

"DIE DIE DIE DIE... etc." - Start by ripping out intestines, pancreas, kidney, liver, bladder, stomach... and lastly Pinkie cutting up Dash's throat, and ripping her flesh off her skull. The actions are timed to each time "DIE" is said. After every "DIE" has been said, show Dash's remains, and Pinkie above her corpse... and zoom out of the basement, and back outside of sugarcube corner.

12. Ponyville - All Seems Normal

"In the basement not a sound..." - Zooming out from Sugarcube Corner. Show a few ponies walking by.
"So the ponies up above..." - Close up on one of the ponies. Derpy, in this case. She flies by Sugarcube Corner.
"Down below some tasty treats" - Zoom back into Sugarcube Corner.
"Granted at a friends expense" - Show Pinkie chopping Dash into pieces for a split second. Also show Pinkie putting the pieces into the oven as cupcakes.
"What they don't know wont hurt them" - Show Pinkie bringing out the cupcakes for sale. A few ponies line up to buy them.
"So down in the dimly lit..." - Camera pans downward into the darkness.
"Down comes knife, another hit" - Show a knife coming down. show blood.
"Draw if fourth, evisorate" - Show the dead carcas of a pony.
"Soon they'll be on someone's plate" - Pan up from the dead pony carcas, and show Pinkamina with the Twilight grin.
"HELP ME CHASE AWAY MY FEARS!" - Screen starts to static, go black and white, and it turns off into blackness.

At the end, show credits, and recommendations of other works that I've done, blog link, a link to go download the song, etc.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

3D Animation Demo Reel - 2011

(Sadly, I have no idea how to keep this at the top of the front page of my blog without updating the date on this)

Something... Broke.

I'm actually talking about this song: Something Broke: The Continuing Tale of Pinkie Pie and Ponycide. It's a long song (20 minutes) but it's worth the listen... I wouldn't recommend it to a younger audience though since it has a vulgar word or two, and the imagery that this song brings out is quite brutal.

Why do I bring this up out of nowhere? I want to animate this song. All of it. For a month now, I've been wanting to do some sort animation project, and I've been thinking of using my character, and no ponies what-so-ever. HOWEVER... something just clicked in me a few nights ago. I had come up with several ideas on how I would storyboard several sections of this song, and it gave me a lot more motivation to actually start work on this. So, while I WAS going to do a simple 1 minute animation showing animation (I still have no idea what kind of animation), I would MUCH rather work on a 20 minute song that I have many ideas for that I'd love to try animating. It may take a several months to finish this project, but in the end, I hope it's worth it. Anyways, now I need to somehow fix my issue with my tablet in Flash so that I could actually draw in the program.

I'll also still be doing work on Aftermath Saga (supposed to build characters to use in a skeletal animation system) while working on this large animation project.