Monday, February 21, 2011

Scene 2 (I'll say it's complete. Feb. 25, 2011)

This is probably the closest I've gotten to completing Scene 2's animation. Guy's lip-sync is there, and the animation is getting closer to being final... however, now I'm stumped with a random glitch that my Guy V2 rig has. When he animates his arms in IK, they work just fine. However, when animating in FK, it seems to work, at least until you go to capture the animation, or quickly scrub through the animation. The left arm will either explode, or implode. I figured one of the problems had to do with the stretchy arms, but well, this is the best I could get it. Only the left arm is animated partially in FK.

Before I move on to finishing Scene 1, I'm going to draw up an exposure sheet. For some reason, my thoughts are better organized on an exposure sheet than they are when I look at the Keys or FCurves on the time-line. So that'll be my approach to finish the rest of my demo reel.

EDIT (Feb 25, 2011): I found the problem with the GuyV2. It turns out that any amount of stretchiness caused by IK will affect FK somehow. I made the decision to animate all of Guy's left arm in FK, and that seemed to fix the problem for when I capture it. However, if I do jump frames, there's still some glitchiness happening, and that is something I cannot fix now. For now, I will call Scene 2 done, but there are still a few things I can improve with it, and that will have to wait for later. Right now, I'm in the process of re-animating Scene 1 (more or less from the ground up). All of the jaw movement is in, the head and body movement is finally done. Now I need to fix the eye movement, completely re-animate the arm/hand movement, and get the lip-sync done. After that, I'll say Scene 1 is done, and I'll move on to doing Scene 3. No progress video until I say it's complete.

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