Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Demo Reel Animation Schedule

Alright! I've got a schedule going, and I really hope to keep on it as much as possible. If I miss a deadline, I still want to get it all done before each Milestone. I'm really hoping to get all my stuff done by the end. In my last week, I have a few things that are kinda optional to do for this quarter, and doesn't really have anything to do with the actual animation itself.
I just got finished making the new Guy V2 Sensei. I think it would be better/easier working with him rather than Guy V1, so that's why I made such decision.

As for the tighter shot on Balancing Scene, I feel that it didn't have a good shot originally. I should be showing the ninja kid a bit more basically. Also, to account for the tighter shot, I need to re-animate the camera movements. I only just started trying to get the tighter camera to work, and now I'll need to have the animation working too. The way I have it to be set up is that it will show the ninja kid first, then have the camera move over to show Guy Sensei talking. Also, to take into account with Guy being a lot closer to the ninja kid, he isn't going to throw a shuriken. Rather, I added something to Guy's costume: A sword. I'll have him horizontally slice the bamboo, then walk off screen. I remember back when I made my first storyboard, I had a lot better shots for this scene. I don't know why my teacher didn't want that. -_-

Also, the camera didn't really move at all on the Fire walk scene, and now that I think about it, it needs some sort of animation. Perhaps zooming in on the ninja kid more, since that's where the animation is. That's about it.

Then lip-sync is something I find VERY easy to do. It'd probably be a lot easier to do lip-sync before animating the guy. May take me 5 hours to do all that lip-sync, or maybe slightly longer. I don't have an estimate. It's just the lip-sync, and not all the gestures itself. So just facial animation for now.

EDIT: Update on the schedule, I moved the lip-sync for after finishing the gesture animation. My teacher said it'd make more sense this way... and he wouldn't accept it otherwise. Also added in a Blocking column. That's the date I plan to finish blocking in the animation, then if I need to make some fix-ups, I'll do it asap, then finish the animation.

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